my advanced reporting prof suggested that in order for us to understand other people, we should have a working knowledge of who we are and who we are not; what our privileges are and what we take for granted; what we are denied. i've taken this to heart. this is not to say these things are good or bad - though i feel lucky to be or not be some of them - just that they are my perspective and something i have to recognize when dealing with everyone else. i'd like to think i already do, but here's a timid reminder.
i am: 21 (drinking age), american, female, white, of western european descent, a college student at a state university, the oldest of three children, the daughter of a cancer victim, the sister of a cambodian refugee, a product of catholic schooling, a lifelong resident of the pacific northwest, larger than a size 10, employed, debt-free, being provided for, heterosexual, literate, of at least normal intelligence, bespectacled, urban-dwelling.
i am not: very young, very old, or middle aged, male, a member of a minority group, religious, uneducated, illiterate, an only child, an orphan, the child of divorced or otherwise separated parents, the product of public elementary and grade schools, from the southern U.S., midwest, southwest, northeast, Alaska, or Hawaii, homosexual, bisexual, transsexual, or transgendered, in debt, skinny, very obese, unemployed, drug-addicted, disabled, rural-dwelling, very poor or very rich.
my privileges include: university education, family relations, computers, food, entertainment, transportation, travel, holding a job, driving, living away from parents, choice in romantic relationships, holding and expressing opinions, medicine and health, surely many other things.
what i take for granted: pretty much everything that's a privilege. :)
what i'm denied: the experience of others, ... i'd like to think most doors are, in fact, open to me should i like to walk through them, and for most practical purposes in my lifetime i think they are, but there are certainly some things i couldn't attain. just don't know what yet.
i'm not sure that this exercise is as helpful as i'd like. any suggestions?