Monday, November 25

i rented movies last night and hung out with chris for awhile before he left so i could watch my goddamn foreign film PORN. mmf. y tu mama tambien was hot, dude. that was a lot of naked fucking and whatnot. and it was interesting when there was not sex onscreen, too, so that was cool.

speaking of things that get me google hits, why the hell would people searching for "maggie gyllenhall" end up HERE?! i think i have probably said something like, "maggie gyllenhall is cool, i like her in the two movies i've seen her in" like two goddamn months ago and it's *still* getting me hits. what on earth.

anyway. so the porn was good, and then i started watching breathless, the godard original, but about an hour into it i grew sleepy and turned it off and went to bed. i finished it first thing this morning and realized i only had about 20 minutes left. how silly of me. anyway, that was also good. i think i need to watch it again sometime after getting a bit more context, but it was interesting.

i still have tampopo left to watch, which was recommended to me by rob (on #n00n), and i want someone to watch it with me. it looks fun.

yes, i rented three movies in languages other than english. no, i'm not a snob or anything. heh.

i'm leaving tomorrow night for san francisco. i still need to pack. i have work to do and things and school is getting close to being out for winter. hrmmm. and i'm renting movies. yeah, i am a smart cookie.

now is the time to embark upon my work-ridden monday. joy.

listening: richard ashcroft - money to burn

Sunday, November 24

the past couple days, i have done a whole lot of nothing. really.

i found about four or five contacts at imdb on thursday. when i came home, i convinced chris to meet me for food at pizza brava. ahhh, mushroom calzone. the guy even gave me a free beverage of my choice because i am a student. i did not realize such a policy existed until he asked me if i was a student. being a student is a pretty sweet deal, all things considered. then we perused bulldog news for awhile and went to espresso roma. coffee on the early-to-bed night is a bad idea, so i just had a small chai. it was tasty.

i am in love with cinnamon lately. cinnamon rocks.

not in love with the monitor's subtle blinky-blue thing of late, though. not at all.

friday was a typically long day, but i accomplished very little. no one wanted to do anything in class, so we all left. the discussion draft is due monday. i don't think mine is going to be fabulous, but it'll be what it is. i got 20/25 on the intro, which i crapped out two hours before class, and that was the class average, so hey. i will possibly make an effort to improve things considerably before turning in a final paper, but we'll see. early december is going to be completely insane.

at work, about the only thing i got done was emailing one of my dad's friends for my prostate cancer article that should be my Big Story in newswriting. mom gave me a list of people to email and had more ideas at dinner that night, but i don't remember them off the top of my head. it will come out. the rest of that emailing must occur today.

after work, i waited to hear from mom about where and when we were meeting up for dinner. we ended up at stella's, which should've satisfied all tastes present (paul is notoriously picky and mom and i don't like to just eat steaks and potatoes), but paul was unimpressed by the cannoli he ordered for dessert. mom then gave me a ride to kevin's, where i hung out until 11am the following day.

while home, i went to a couple stores and got stuff to make a cauliflower soup described in the moosewood cooks at home, then drank a bit too much coffee, perhaps, and felt twitchy. i had to be home until jenny's lab partner dropped off something for her, which she did about an hour earlier than anticipated, leaving me free to see far from heaven at 4:45 with chris. it was gooood and pretty and the actors were cool. such colors, man. the colors were awesome.

after that, kevin came over and i made the soup, which was all right. it has to be pureed, so it's weird, but it tasted all right. i think it could've stood to have some sort of protein, but i may just be protein-difficient. i am usually pretty obsessive about protein sources, and i didn't do that much yesterday. then we talked a lot and did other things but mostly talked and i got into more of a mood, because, let's face it, i'm always in a freakin' mood.

there are things i can't say here because my brother is reading and sometimes my mom and probably in general they are things you don't want to post about yourself in a public forum. they end up in a notebook on fridays between work and class while sucking down a 12 or 16-oz. coffee in the cafeteria, and they always sound much worse there than they may actually be.

sometimes i wish i were on soul-crushing medications that destroyed my libido.

i am getting really disconnected from people lately, i think, but everyone is so busy that's hard to repair. eh. it sounds strange, but i am looking forward to christmas, although i know it'll be but a ghost of its former self. happy is hard when you're thinking of loss, and even when you attain it, someone else definitely hasn't...

listening: fugazi - rend it