Tuesday, January 7

i need to leave (again) in, oh, half an hour, but i'm enjoying my home time for now. had a quick lunch of undercooked spaghetti (apprently, i've lost the ability to count minutes properly) and am now having my life spoon-fed to me in the form of chocolate sorbet. mmm. oh, yes, and boiling water for coffeeeee. which--yes, yes, i think i hear it!--may be boiling right this very moment! it's amazing what an inch of water on high will do.

ahhh, yes, now then. where were we.

i have been to the first sessions of 7 of the 17 credits of class i'm taking, and my calendar is already daunting. thus the chocolate. they look interesting...good...informative. BUT. time-consuming. surely i can do it, but i fear it'll be half-assed in enough places to shame me.

also, i just had to go buy $70 in fuckin' textbooks for my environmental sociology class because no one bothered to list the damn things under the soc course number (which is where i signed up) so i could get them in advance, or at least when the bookstore still had used copies of any of them. grrr. and now i have to do reading from them for tomorrow and have no time to look for cheaper copies. stupid, stupid.

gah. so much reading. i better be good and, y'know, actually do it. i am usually very bad about *actually* reading. no, scratch that: ALWAYS bad. these aren't even textbooks: they're nonfiction books, which tend to at least be better written than your average math text or something, but they can still suck a lot of ass. and commit the unforgivable sin of being BORING AS HELL. which is not to say that hell should be especially boring, but i guess it would be, at least for me, if i believed in hell...

oh! i never talked about the wedding! my cousin devin got married to his longtime girlfriend on saturday, and i was there.

gosh. weddings make me crazy. this was a crazy-making wedding, to be sure. it was very...normal. there were a lot of people, church music, people smiling and crying and well-dressed and drinking to excess and intra-family squabblings. the music at the chruch and during the pre-dinner cocktail hour (and a half) were terrible, but the dining room dj seemed to have, well, taste, before throwing on a bunch of your normal wedding dance stuff, like "ymca." i think the latter half of the setlist was identical to my cousin sean's wedding, except they didn't have the truly horrible numbers like "it's getting hot in here (so take off all your clothes)," not to mention that people were grinning and gettin' down to johnny cash's "ring of fire." hee.

the terrible thing about attending weddings, at least for me, is not the drunken hijinks of my relatives or the bad music, which are tolerable if not amusing, is how i snark relentlessly about how i wouldn't do (x) thing at my wedding. this can only lead to obsessive thinking of weddings, which is not something i'm anywhere near having because i'm freakin' 21 years old and in college, dammit.

i also manage to remind my mother of how i defected from the church, which hurts her feelings, i can tell. i turned to her and said, "i don't think i'd want like six bridesmaids, but everyone in the harem would want the honor." she said, "tell them you'll make them godmothers!" i replied, "yeah, except that would require baptising my kids, if i ever have any, and since i'm not christian and suspect i won't be marrying a christian, that's unlikely." gee, can i BE any more insensitive? she's hardly pushy on the subject; i don't know why i feel the need to reassert my (lack of) beliefs.

anyway, the tiny pot of coffee has been drunk, the dishes have been launched into the kitchen sink, and the mid-class survival clif bar has been packed away. i guess it's time to run to class again.

so! yesterday was the first day of class. i feel like i didn't have any break because the vast majority of my days over break were spent traveling, with family, or working. alas. it was a good "break" anyway, because... i dunno, it just didn't totally suck, it wasn't terribly stressful, and i made some money. yay.

i did buy a folding table, by the way, and kevin carried it home for me, in the rain, nearly all four blocks from hardwick's. so my living room looks cool now with the whole turntable setup. mmm, expensive toys.

i don't have a lot to say, because i only had one class yesterday (environmental sociology, which looks decently interesting) followed by six hours of work. i spent my evening eating too much snack food, watching a little tv, and annoying people. i was trying to help kevin find these boots he wants in seattle and cheaper than $200, as well as pestering chris to talk to my boss about filling the opening at my place of employment.

and now, i must don shoes, brush teeth, throw things in the backpack and run off to raitt hall for some kind of learnin'. ta.