depression seemed much crazier the last time.
i walked to work this morning, tired, feeling like i wasn't moving fast enough but couldn't work up the energy to move any faster. i imagined, as i often do, what would happen if, say, a car (or better yet, a bus or a cement mixer) were to veer of their course enough to squash me? would there be any indication of where i came from? my driver's license, tucked into my backpack, contains out of date contact information. my cellphone would only be useful if not damaged. surely they would eventually figure it out. i don't think much beyond that.
other times i imagine that people are upset with me for doing things i am supposed to be doing. i prepare insults and retorts for drivers who would call me rude names for pressing the crosswalk button before they could get into the sensor's range to turn before i could walk. i just know the right-turners are itching to go and i am just ruining their days. i compile lists of creative names and phrases to sling back at them, when no such confrontations ever occur. the fantasies give me a strange sense of satisfaction, though i seldom have the chance to call any of them out.
the weekend is nigh upon us. i feel the itch to spend money. probably a bad itch, but there are things i need all the same. i am now on the lookout for a used/vintage leather jacket, reasonably priced, or some other jacket that would work for the look i have in my mind. i need to peruse more shops. i went to the buffalo exchange and red light on the ave yesterday, but there was nothing that worked. a couple might have looked right, but they did not quite fit. one was only too small in the hips. since this failed jacket-shopping excursion fueled my depression, i did what i probably would have done anyway: i went to a record shop and spent money. i got five cds i've been meaning to buy for $40. yay for used stuff. there are still two or three i'd like to hear before bumbershoot, but they're not necessities. i swear by the time my depression lifts, i will have a kick-ass record collection. woo.
speaking of which, still need to get bumbershoot tickets. chris also bought tickets to see cake, the flaming lips, de la soul, and kinky (i know nothing about kinky) at summer nights on the pier on sunday. those are $40 after ticketmaster fees. yeesh. i said i'd go (i would like to see the flaming lips), but then i remembered that i might be going to olympia on sunday with my aunt, cousin, and cousin's fiancee, so that might not work. we'll see. i have no idea what's going on in the world.
yes, i am using depression as an excuse for things. no, that's really not acceptable.
i think my boss is up to some fiendish plot. he said he was doing something evil on wednesday, but it wasn't ready yet. evil is kinda cool.
i went back to imdb yesterday and got some initial-type stuff taken care of. i got the legal paperwork (non-disclosure agreement, so they can sue me if i go work for ebay and tell them all my secrets, ohnos!!!!!1), an id badge/entry card, and swag! heh. it's all about the logo swag. i now have an tshirt (navy blue), cap, and pen-on-a-string. i met the other girl who's working about the same times i will (tuesdays and thursdays), and she is very nice. three people from the team bought us coffee at the nearby starbucks. i am not sure why we went to starbucks over, say, tully's, which was closer to the office by, oh, fifty feet, but i can't complain too much about free coffee, nor do i suspect tully's is much better than the evil coffee empire since they want to emulate them. i felt very weird sitting in a starbucks, though, just sippin' my iced latte. the people we're working with seem quite cool, and definitely movie fans (read: movie
snobs, which i'm all about--note my friendship with chris the movieslut!). they were impressed by my choice of favorite movie (
harold and maude, for those just joining us now), and, in turn, i felt kind of bad for the other girl when she said her favorites were romantic comedies like
you've got mail.
movies are pretty cool and all, but for me, music wins every time.
stuff i need to do: figure out what kind of paperwork the school needs or has to give so i could get credit if i wanted to, but i don't absolutely have to. (i'd rather, in fact, not get credit for the internship, because i don't really need the two credits and i'd have to pay for them, which seems silly. paying to do unpaid work. yeesh.) anyway, i need to do that. and i need to buy better undergarments, because i only have two bras that i wear and they are getting beaten up. and i want to find a jacket and i want to go to the farmer's market and i need to grocery shop, probably, kind of, and maybe go to toys in babeland or something. chris wants to make a weird movie. i just need to do things all the time so my mind doesn't settle. i should write more; maybe it'll go away.
shit. music. i love music. dammit, work.