Tuesday, February 11

how about a positive entry? you guys like positive entries, dontcha?

yes. well. things are better, or i'm feeling better. at least, i am after extra coffee intake at lunch and sleeping a lot. oh, and people being nice to me as much as possible. i love you all and i'm sorry for being a moody-ass freak. i'm fine, mostly. i should probably look for a shrink, but yeah, really? ok.

i got my zippo in the mail yesterday. it's smexy-lookin', but i don't have lighter fluid for it because i am silly. so. it's smexy and not burning anything for awhile. whoops. today between classes i picked up the new massive attack album. i've only listened once. it is much calmer and different from previous releases in other ways, but still pleasing. i shall have to give it several more listens.

also, and i'm sorry aja, but i couldn't get through the salton sea the other day. could not get hooked. alas.

stupidonlineproject is in a state of doneness, though i will have to do more work. i also have to do other stupid things for that class. i have several things to do for reporting and reading and quiz prep for my com&envir class. just had a midterm today in philosophy that was grueling--50 multiple choice questions followed by four essay questions. my hand hurt so much after that shit.

my profs this quarter have a way of making me feel something after their classes. my com&envir prof is good at making me feel guilty for not reading and doing much, at least in terms of not going out and truly experiencing nature by backpacking or whatever. my journalism/philosophy teacher has a way of making me feel BORED and then occasionally thought-provoked or interested in whatever concept he's babbled about and once in awhile angry for saying something stupid or wrong. my reporting prof has a way of making me feel like his class is most worth attending regularly because we're actually learning something valuable. that's probably the best kind of feeling.

heyheyhikevinishere and he's brought tofurky! so! i must go.

listening: tom waits - swordfishtrombones

Sunday, February 9


yes. these past two days have deeeefinitely been pms. i am ok now. you know what i needed? i needed out of the house. i would've been fine then, i think.

and now i am having cramps in fuckin' waves. they are not fun. i did not used to get cramps or pms to speak of. this is not cool.

josie is still here. she crashed on my couch because the boys who live in the basement at her house were having a party and that means no one above them was going to be able to sleep. josie needed to sleep, so i permitted her to sleep on my cold-but-comfy futon. just hope it was restful enough.

last night, after my midterm (which i plowed through in less than 15 minutes), i went to josie's, then we went to scarecrow and rented things--lovely and amazing, the salton sea, the notorious c.h.o., and the complete first season of "sex and the city." we watched the first SatC dvd, then lovely and amazing, then the second dvd. it was a lot of SatC. i know some people find sarah jessica parker too much after less than one, but hooo boy. try 12.

(i did enjoy it, though. just way tired at the end. what can i say, trash is fun.)

we also ate a ton of food. ooooh, food. i made black bean hummus and we had it with tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese in pitas. we had chips and fire-roasted guacamole and roasted garlic salsa. we had red licorice, but not just any red licorice. the kind in a little tub from trader joe's, australian import, $4 for the little tub, but lemme fuckin' tell ya. that shit...is amazing. it tastes like strawberries and is soft as a pillow and better to eat. tastes like PROPER strawberries, i mean. real ones. like you keep expecting to work tiny seeds out from between your teeth real strawberries. mmm.

abrupt subject change!

the floor of my bathroom is always sopping goddamn wet after alex, jenny's boyfriend, has been in there to shower. no idea why. it makes me crazy because, well, i like being able to go barefoot or stocking foot into my bathroom, and i can't if the rug is ickily and mysteriously wet. i mean, i can understand a little dampness. we are not perfect beings who dry suddenly after stepping out of the shower, but this is seriously soaking wet, and i don't understand it. all you gotta do to keep it a little dry is keep the curtain shut, don't make the water pressure killer hard (which it really wants to be), and wipe or towel off especially your hair before stepping out. that's not hard! where does the water come from?!