Saturday, October 26

typing. tap, tap, tap... tappety tap tap tap taptaptaptaptap ...wicka wicka, tap tap tap.

can you say, "onomatopoeia?"

i knew a girl in high school who could sing it. in fact, she once did for our entire ap english class. it was cute.

more aimee mann stuck in my head. i like her new album. this time it's "invisible ink."

i want to buy the prom's under the same stars. i had "the city gets lonely" stuck in my head on the walk to work this morning.

yes. work. on a saturday. i'm covering. four extra hours at $8 each on my next paycheck, hurrah. minus withholdings. i have more in withholdings so far for the year than my paychecks normally are this quarter. sucky.

last night a bunch of us were piled in jana's room, watching cradle will rock on divx. it was a good movie, and it is always good to see friends. my only problem with the movie is that it is kind of distracting to see actors i know pretty well in roles like that. i can't quite explain why. i mean, it's cute and it's cool, but it's less believable, somehow. it's like the actors are larger than the roles they're supposed to fill. they can break out of that in a lot of movies, but not this kind. i am not sure why... just that john cusack wasn't rockefeller, he was john cusack. joan cusack wasn't an anti-communist bitch, she was joan cusack. susan sarandon didn't work for mussolini, she was susan sarandon. bill murray was more his character, just because he doesn't usually, you know, practice ventriloquism in other movies. it was mildly creepy. but i did love the cast and stuff. hrm. anyway.

we are supposed to go see the 4 o'clock showing of bowling for columbine this afternoon. shane is driving, so i won't have to deal with parking, yay! i am working until 2, and then i have to go get keys, as previously mentioned.

the camping trip scheduled for the upcoming three-day weekend has been cancelled because josie didn't make sure her friend's cabin would be available for us to use that weekend and it's not. alas. some other type of amusement will certainly make its way into my plans... hideous, evil, deplorable plans! with things! and stuff! and ow! my stomach hates me for the coffee i consume! owfuck!

i think now is a break time. break time with yogurt which is oh so stomach FRIENDLY. also, pumpkin pie clif bar (what the heck!) and an apple! blessed tesugaru! i have no idea how to spell that! so many exclamation points!

and oh! before i go, an odd thing happened yesterday at work. and not just that i was cheerfully misanthropic and wanted to kill everyone i didn't already like all day. ok, "kill" is a pretty strong word. "flog senseless" is perhaps a more accurate depiction of my desires. anyway, on with the anecdote.

the paging phone, which is near the door and across part of the room from the desk, started ringing. it's not a phone that's normally called; it's the phone that's used by people who need to answer a page or call an on-campus number. it kept ringing for longer than you would expect a phone to ring. my coworker suggested i investigate, so i began with a quick befuddled stare at the ringing phone. then i walked over and answered it. "hello? this is a paging phone." i heard a click on the other end. "huh. they didn't even tell me i was going to die or anything." i returned to my station and started trying to type an im. the keyboard was having no effect on the letters (not) appearing on the screen. the mouse was working, though, so i knew the computer hadn't frozen. i checked the connections. it was fine. i first copypasted letters to create the phrase "my kb broke" into said im window and grabbed an unused keyboard from a cart in the back room. coworker didn't know if they were in good condition or not, but i tried anyway. only some keys seemed to work ("l" and "w," for example, but not "o"), so coworker suggested trying the original keyboard again. he plugged it in, and voila, it worked just fine. no idea why.

and now, my stomach screams that a a snack is warranted. it is a good day in the forest. to die.

Thursday, October 24

i've had aimee mann's "pavlov's bell" stuck in my head for days. it's a good song, but damn.

also, now starving, so starving. jenny just left. still practically naked. why, i'm not even wearing glasses yet. i want to make some quip about girls in movies who get their glasses removed and suddenly they are model-gorgeous and popular instead of ostracized and awkward and suddenly they have boys all over them, except for the one fellow outcast boy who always secretly thought she was beautiful but was too awkward to make a move, and she totally dumps him in favor of some jerk, and anyway, i wanted to relate myself to this story in that i'm here, alone, post-shower state, despectacled, and i am not suddenly popular and wearing a ball gown. i would probably stain it, anyway.

so the life lesson is: wear glasses, they're sexy, and you won't end up with fake friends and a jerky boyfriend. i am not sure how i extrapolated that from the above, but we'll just go with it.

i have to take the car back to olympia on sunday. the month is almost over, and so is my free parking, so home it must go. not that i've found much use for it in the past few weeks; the last thing i need it for right now is to go to kevin's new place in ballard to get keys from his landlady. i could take the bus, too, but that is a lot of bussin'. bussin' for kevin would be worth it, but not bussin' for a brief visit with kevin's landlady, although she seems like a perfectly nice person.

also, it is now kevin's fault that i can't get the word "buoyancy" out of my head when i eat my off-brand honey nut cheerios.

so, this weekend, working saturday, home sunday. next weekend, kevin's moving, jason webley might be dying. the following weekend, a bunch of us are going to josie's friend's cabin in the middle of the olympic national forest, yay! and then about a week and a half after that kevin and i are seeing aimee mann and beth orton within two days of each other. neat. yay for november.

so anyway. i am not sure what i was going to say. oh, chris got an internship at imdb, too, and his best days coincide with mine. neat! we'll be co-workers! for no money! yay!

i am in a much better mood today, so i think the shitty mood stuff was definitely hormonal, but the insomnia isn't. i'm still waking up not feeling refreshed, which sucks, but i seem to be managing all right. lots of coffee helps. sweet, delicious coffee. well, bitter, brown, cruel coffee is more accurate, but hey, when it's got a bit of sugar and milk in it, it might as well be called sweet and delicious. still, the following conversation between jenny and i occurred last night.

me: "i'm drinking so much coffee lately, my stomach will be full of ulcers next year."
j: "yeah, you're gonna have ulcers up the butt."
me: "uh... i don't think i'm gonna get rectal ulcers from coffee."
j: "...i didn't mean it that way!"
me, laughing: "yes, you meant it colloquially."
j: "yes, it was a term for quantity."

i wish i could replicate more jenny conversations for you, cos she is a funny girl.

and i think that's all i have for now. time for coffee.

Wednesday, October 23

in a few minutes, i have to dash off to class, where my groupmates and i will give a presentation on our replication of posner's mental chronometry study. sounds fancy, don't it? it's not. we made it all fancy with power point tricks and snazzdoodle scallywags and whatnot. and also, a warped sense of humor we hope no one actually trying to learn from our presentation catches.

you see, the presentation may be about replicating posner's study in class, but there is a subtext.

the subtext is: patriotism is funny.

there is a photo of an american flag, flying proudly in the windy sunny skies of an unnamed location, as the background of every slide with a few exceptions. one slide is a cleverly-timed glimpse of good ol' uncle sam, pointing at the audience. it's practically subliminable. the other exceptions are for a less exciting example of what our actual experiment looked like; watching a flag in the background of it would've been some sort of extraneous variable.

also, i am talking during the part where uncle sam flashes, and i am wearing my "when you pirate mp3s, you're downloading communism" tshirt today. hurray for the funny.

in other news, i decidedly need to work harder on my newswriting stories. i did rather well on the first leads assignment, which was surprising, and since then things have gone slightly downhill. no time now to get cocky, cannon! write better, not faster. BETTER, GOD DAMMIT.


listening: unkle (feat. richard ashcroft) - lonely soul

Sunday, October 20

i just watched rushmore again. gosh. that movie makes me happy.

actually, today i have seen two good movies by directors whose last names are anderson (no relation). chris and i went to see punch-drunk love this afternoon, which was interesting. it was different from p.t. anderson's other movies (well, at least from boogie nights and magnolia; i haven't seen hard eight or whatever his first is called)--more actively surreal and fantastic, i think. chris said it's very french. it referenced a lot of other movies. part of the plotline seemed like the p.t. anderson take on the big lebowski (which of course references a zillion other films); adam sandler's character was very... charlie chaplin or buster keaton in some ways, i guess. it was funny and odd. anderson has an admirable ability to take an actor i don't usually like and make them interesting characters, and he definitely succeeded with sandler here.

a thing i am noticing about some directors lately is that there are some who are very l.a./film school, and some who are more outside that, and they can all be considered "indie" to some degree. at the very least, they're not making blockbusters; they're making interesting films with a lot of nods to old stuff. i am trying to go through some old stuff lately myself in an effort to better understand what's going on now (as well as to see some great films, of course!), which i think is important. i have been doing the same thing with music since i was in high school, and i'm still nowhere close to being as knowledgeable as i'd like. i think it's a lifelong learning process.

i'm not really so much on a quest to Know Everything as i am on a quest to learn all about these things i love. richen my understanding. love them more deeply and with more affection. see the flaws, appreciate what makes greatness. i don't know.

it's a hobby, though, it's not really what i want to do with my life, unless i become a film critic (or music critic), which would be nice, anyway.

so that's my life today. i like movies. everything else makes me pretty tired.

i bought a half gallon of milk today that isn't meant to expire until kevin has moved here. it's soon.

listening: girls against boys - 300 looks for the summer