posting something i wrote last saturday, while in an airplane bound for san jose.
the moment i become airborne is subtle--something in the whirring changes so slightly just before i see the ground at an angle. it's an exhilerating moment; i gaze excitedly out the small portal and anticipate the shrinking world below, too soon obscured by clouds.
though my window is dirty, i can make out the smudges of sailboats on the sunny sound, trailed by glittering waves caught in the sun's glare. the sun also leaves its mark on the water, glimmering patterns that resemble parchment or canvas, set against the deep reflected blue.
to the east lie the cascades. for only a few moments can i gaze on these purple mountain majesties before the plane turns to adjust course. from this turning angle, everything sits at angles the human body, regularly quite perpendicular to the earth, was never designed to see.
in a matter of minutes, we are already crossing over tacoma. the water is idyllic, set against the organized chaos of the hundreds of tacoma neighborhoods, to which the glare also lends sparkle on the many parked cars.
even sooner, neighborhoods and streets and even highways are too small to make out, anyway, even if they weren't obscured by clouds.
for what seems like endless ages, clouds of every persuasion stretch across my view, and beyond our dusty blue dome of an atmosphere, i can already see the half-moon, translucent in daylight.
already i can tell i will have quite a headache when we come down. besides already being irritable and weaned off the daily dose of caffiene, the temperature inside the plane is unbearably warm, despite outside temperatures cold enough to doodle frost on my window. the air nozzle is but a small consolation--i am wishing to death i still had a functioning cd player and could therefor listen to the music of my choice, maybe nap, instead of the din of the plane and its passengers cushioning my eyes in dryness and my lower back in twisted soreness.
rivers and farmland snake below, dotted by the occasional puffy white clouds. the others have gathered to the east.