i just registered for winter. hoooo boy, what a thrill that was.
so i'm pretty much fucked out of taking any psych classes i can take or would even remotely want to take next quarter because they're all 400-levels and therefore full. there are a couple 200-levels that might be handy, but they are both daily 8:30s, something i'm not willing to do for the sake of a class i don't actually need since i'm two classes away from my psych BA requirements. i'll just have to wait until i have senior standing, i guess. or hope someone drops. or something.
my tuesdays and thursdays are going to be SuperDuperCom days. i swear, everything that was both open and a journalism requirement is on tuesday/thursday. evil, kinda. well, it would probably be fine if those three classes, which keep me on campus from 9:30 to 5:20, were enough credits for me, but they're not. that is 14 credits. they are not even really classes i'd choose to take--communication and the environment; intellectual foundations of journalism. what the hell.
i am trying to not be a total slacker for a fourth quarter in a row (less than 15 cr.), so i had to do the general education requirement course search and came up with... a 3-credit environmental sociology class. it fits into the natural requirement, in which i lack, oh, 4 credits, i think, and might be vaguely interesting. assuming i'm not fucked. it doesn't purport to have pre-reqs or anything like that, but that doesn't mean it won't totally suck for me. also, it keeps me on campus my otherwise "free" days (although i'm sure i'll be working) at 9:30. every day!
anyway, this is a less-than-enjoyable start to what i suspect will be a less-than-enjoyable day. apologies for the lack of entries of late; maybe i will write more later on how i've been an anxious little flake and feel like crawling into a hole with a masseuse and dying.