today was just another monday-tuesday in rainy seattle. very, very rainy. really great, drenching rain. at least it wasn't a death day.
trader joe's never has frozen pineapple anymore. this makes me so sad. they always have mangoes, but where's the pineapple love? i ask for so little and spend so much.
i think they didn't have frozen chicken fajitas today, either. boo-hoo!
i told
mike to go there. he is now addicted to hummus. i am amused.
i'm really tired today, and i did fuck-all today. i went to class and trader joe's. that was the extent of my effort. oh, and i took the trash out and checked mail around 6pm, in the dark, in the rain, in my flip-flops. i even got to sleep in. i don't know what's up with that.
gilmore girls was on tonight! woo! the one hour to tv i watch a week now that
enterprise has managed to bore the living shit out of both me and my nerd friend adam. they either need more soft porn, a new fucking theme song, preferably symphonic like all the other star treks, but anything that's not diane fucking warren will do, or an interesting plot. i feel like a dork for watching the wb with my one hour of tv whoredom, but damn, what a way to go. it's so rewarding. i sit there and talk to my mom on icq and we laugh at the tv (honest, the logs include several lines of "HAHAHA!" and its variants) and she tells me that rory = me and so on and so forth. it's happy. happy happy idiot box mom-daughter love time. yay!
my roommates and i are going to host kind of a dinner party, only there will likely be a shit-ton of people, so we'll probably try to do it potluck style. well, we'd make the main dishes, then ask guests to bring bread, salad, wine/beverages, dessert, that sort of thing. easy stuff. anyway, should be fun! yay, parties. i've never really hosted one like that before... only, like, random movie-and-laughter gatherings and birthday parties (which were essentially the same thing in the end) where we ate a lot of candy and pizza. fabulous, but smaller scale, and i haven't had one since coming to college, so this will be different. whee.
oh, and it's kind of my birthday party, too. we'll at least mention that my birthday is somewhere around there and we're celebrating it, though i don't expect or desire any presents. woo. i don't need anything else. well, except maybe a digital camcorder or a rekkid player. and some random entertaining items. but, y'know, whatever.
i love