Saturday, July 6

here i was, thinking i had something to blog about. i decided i needed music, so i went and put on sonic youth's dirty album, and then i came back here, and chris starts telling me he wants to see the spin doctors.


now i forget what i was going to say.

i went to the farmer's market. it's a gorgeous day. i bought some beautiful tomatoes and strawberries, as well as some dill and thai basil to freeze. then i went to trader joe's and spent about half what i normally would there. YEAH. i am learning that there is a lot of shit i can make on my own! woo! and since i seem to have a lot of free time, so it is.

the guy who checked me out at tj's commented on my shirt--the green "don't be a dick" shirt; i've mentioned it before, but for the benefit of those just tuning in, it features the illustrated phrases, "see dick drink, see dick drive, see dick die. don't be a dick"--and i told him, "it's mildly offensive, but you can't disagree with it." i mean. who says shit like, "yeah, drunk driving is A-OK!" only stupid asshole FUCKS, that's who.

yeah. maybe that was all i had to say.

listening: sonic youth - theresa's sound-world

wow, HEY. it WORKED! go mozilla! wooooooooo!

still need to do the food thing. yeah. and this weekend is turning out pretty well. okbye.

i gotta say that, between blogger being down most of yesterday and linux web browsers not being what they should, blogging has become such a colossal bitch. argh!

i downloaded netscape to see if it would work better than mozilla, but that was worse. linux is, otherwise, pretty darn ok in my book.

anyway, now is the time for totally homemade french toast and going to the farmer's market.

listening: sloan - anyone who's anyone

Friday, July 5

so i actually did everything on that list yesterday, except for laundry and napping. i did put a question mark by napping, though. i'll do laundry today after buying stamps. won't that be a party.

yeah, i installed linux again! i am a leet somethingorother! only not really. kevin helped. a lot. because i am totally inept when it comes to things like making X work and i also forgot how to to several important things, like mount my fat drive containing all my mp3s and um... stuff. yeah. but he got X to work and he got my sound card to work and basically rocked in terms of being helpful when he really didn't have to be. so, thank you, kevin, wherever you are.

oh yes, and the computer formerly known as oberonclid has been rechristened chiasmus. just because i wanted to.

at the same time, i successfully baked some bread. i used james beard's basic white yeast bread recipe, slightly modified--i used honey instead of white sugar, oil instead of butter, and substituted 1c. of whole wheat flour. i should've gone for more whole wheat; it is still very bland white, but at least it worked! i also did the cinnamon bread thing with raisins, because i just can't stand boring bread. anyway, success! james beard's recipe was, as he said, nearly impossible to screw up once i did the measurements right.

i also managed to avoid seeing any fireworks--save the reflection of one in a neighbor's window caught by the corner of my eye--though the thunderous sounds of assholes who think BOOM = YAY AMERICA, both their howls and their fucking firecrackers, were slightly distracting to my early bedtime.

but yeah, now it's time to do a little remote hacking to chiasmus, and make great use of this non-text web browser i don't seem to have for awhile. ('apt-get install mozilla' isn't working, dammit.) oh yes, and find a new theme for my desktop. the default one with the debian logo sucks and is far to taupe for me. euuuchhh, taupe. (not that i mind taupe on the one really soft throw pillow! i swear! it's just...on a desktop...ew.)

Thursday, July 4

so it's YAY AMERICA day and i'm probably going to spend it doing any number of the following:

  • eating cookie dough for breakfast because it's my right as an american citizen
  • not actually sleeping in
  • waiting to use one of the two washers in the basement of my building
  • seeing a matinee screening of the dangerous lives of altar boys with chris
  • wasting my time
  • baking bread or failing
  • listening to music. a lot of music
  • feeling tired since i didn't actually sleep in and the only thing i've eaten so far today was a small wad of cookie dough
  • irking
  • enjoying nature, or whatever
  • avoiding crowds, fireworks, and patriotism
  • actually doing laundry
  • burning debian iso's onto cd-rw's in hopes that i might actually soon use them for the purposes of installing linux again on my machine, but this time without the magic of dual booting
  • actually attempting to install linux and fucking up beyond repair because i'm a moron geek incapable of installing debian without getting totally confused
  • hoping kevin or someone else is awake at that point so i can call them and have them walk me through it
  • wow, naptime?
  • trying to cook some more food that serves the double purposes of being good for me and using up things that will soon die
  • wishing the people i know who own the 6-hour a&e pride and prejudice were in town so i could borrow them and just sit in the pillows all day, watching that, instead of leaving my house, ever
  • sighing wistfully at the thought of perhaps, someday, once again owning a functional turntable so my box of records might stop collecting dust on the bottom of the bookshelf.

choir last night was actually pretty fun. it's a small group, but they're pretty cool. i suck, because i can't sight read for shit and i am very very lost. i am trying to sing soprano, which is confusing because... i suck! but i will stick with it, anyway, because it's something to do that is probably good for me in some respects.

after that, i was still bizarrely awake--i should not be so awake on wednesdays; they are no-nap days because of 6.5 hours of work--so i had chris come over and we had milkshakes and watched volcano. god, i love bad movies.

yeah. i'm pretty tired. and i can't do laundry because someone took BOTH washers just as i got there and i am going to a movie at 1. lame. so...i guess it's to the kitchen with me, so that i might do something vaguely resembling productivity.

listening: terrene - no gospel

Tuesday, July 2

i am so tired. i am seriously going to bed early tonight. like, 10. heh.

i mailed out internship applications today. wish me luck.

i started falling asleep all during my cogpsy lecture, too. that was fun. my notes have all these bits of scrawl from when my eyelids were too heavy.

i think tomorrow for the hour between class and more work i will try to sit somewhere and write. i need to write more. if i don't write, i'll try to read. or watch people and write. one of the above. but not eating agua verde! nonono. must eat food i already bought, yes.

also, i am trying out choir tomorrow. it's the a capella group christine and jen were in last year that impressed me with how much fun they obviously had with their performance. graylan is joining, too. i think we're going to do dinner together. it should be fun, at least.

i am so fucking tired!

my rent check wasn't in the mail again today. arrrgh. fortunately, i have the cash in my account to cover this month, since it's only 1/4 of the usual summer rate (we paid for july at move-in, so now we pay for that second half of june). also, ups didn't show up again today like they were supposed to so i could get my silly dress. arrrgh. oh well.

yeah. definitely early bedtime. more tomorrow, i suppose.

i hate 6am.

i hope margot can come visit me on thursday. that would be cool.

listening: the places - mission impossible

you know it's bad when you begin to consider wearing warm gloves to work because the air conditioning is too chilly.

it's also bad when you wake up in the morning with your alarm, thinking, "didn't i already do this today?"

i can't believe it's not yet even 10am. seriously. these days are nuts.

yesterday was a pretty good day, though, once i put the whole "reasons to be depressed" list completely out of mind. they're not things i can do anything about right now, so let's get shit done, eh? so i did.

work happened, then class was a breeze, then i came home. the ups guy tried to deliver my package (a dress to wear to my cousin's wedding in august) and checked the return time today for between 10:30 and 2. i am...not here then! jenny isn't home until noon. so. i signed the slip to have it left lying about in hopes that no one else would snatch it like the dirty pricks i know they very easily could be. heh.

i typed up and edited my resume, cover letters, and writing samples to apply for the two internships i'm presently interested in. the one i most want (stranger music intern) is the one i suspect i am least likely to get. ah, well. but that was good and wonderfully productive of me, eh? yeah! must get some $0.03 stamps today and mail those suckers out. um, eventually. today might require the services of an afternoon nap. we'll see.

after that, jenny and i decided to watch a movie. it took awhile to actually get around to watching it, but we did. finally saw rear window, which was excellent. yay for hitchcock! and then! then we did the thing that caused us to have orgasms all over the kitchen. that is, the bestest fat-free milkshake EVER. vanilla frozen yogurt + baked no-pudge brownies + marionberries + milk as needed. BAM. it's your mom.

and finally, on the seventh day, i rested.

i'm trying to organize a harold & maude viewing for the 19th or the 20th. if you've not already received a bajillion emails about this from me and want to be invited, leave a message somewhere you know i'll see it. ;) i think we may try to incorporate a crepe night into it, as well, since those are wonderful little fuzzy rabbits of fun. crepe night! duhnuhnununuh, crepe night! ...yeah, so the batman theme doesn't work in text.

oh. i have a stats test at 10:50. i am not even remotely stressed. and not even in the "i totally don't give a fuck about this class" lack-of-stress that i felt about precalc. this will be a breeze.

oh yes, and if anyone wants to sell me a good direct drive turntable for around $200, that would be greeeeat. haha. mom said she'd consider lending me hers until i get mine fixed or replaced, so if she does, i will have a working table probably on monday, but i'll still need to get my own.

wow. work is so exciting. i almost never want it to stop. /snark

this week's tomato nation essay is hi-fuckin'-larious, by the by.

yeah. i have no more stories to tell. i'm barely conscious. soon it will be cold mac & cheese with peas time in the physics-astronomy courtyard before taking that silly stats exam. mmm, lunch. at 10:40. nothing wrong with that, if you got up at 6 like i did.


Monday, July 1

some people write from the heart. some write from the soul. others write with their gut, while still others write with their funnybone. some people write out of their ass; others, out of life experience. still some other strange souls write with their imaginary genitals (see slash fiction).

i just thought to write that last night as i was trying to fall asleep. i think my point was i don't know wherefrom i write, and perhaps this is part of my problem.

i have been avoiding enumerating the things that presently contribute to a feeling of malaise. my journal entries recently have caused some people to worry about me. i think i'm fine, it's just when i sit down and think about all the things that would rightfully depress the shit out of me, i feel fucking depressed. so, since it's 7 in the fucking morning and i'm awake and at work (instead of asleep and forgetting my dreams... oops, too late, i vaguely recall one with a definite "shit, i'm late for class" theme), i'd rather not also be depressed. while depression can be exhilerating (*snort*), i'd rather not have that set the tone of my monday. mondays suck enough without being depressed.

i haven't had a good dream for a long time. i guess that does say something.

yesterday i went thrifting with jenny. we took the bus to goodwill to look for pillows for our living room, since we have no couch and won't get my sister's futon until late august. we spent a couple hours there, just looking through all the clothes. usually i shop for... other shit there, like kitchen crap, books, and records, but i only entered that room once to look for larger pillows (and found one oddly-shaped roll pillow in an obtuse angle and a gorgeous cherry red corduroy seat pillow). we got a couple other pillows, too... this one taupe throw pillow made of really soft material that jenny loved and a big, semi-firm square pillow with a weird kinda-80s red and black pattern. we like our pillows. we also grabbed another square pillow with a dorky farmscape cover print, but while jenny was looking at shoes, she neglected the cart and someone took it. wtf. it's an ugly, kountry krap throw pillow. we were gonna buy fabric and cover the ugly duckling, but damn.

i also got a couple items of clothing. i don't know why, but i started looking at skirts, and i found this just-past-knee-length straight skirt that fit me perfectly for $4. oh, yes, and it's red plaid. kinda punk-looking, but uh, if my mom knew i bought a plaid skirt for fun, she'd laugh. so hard. (pertinent information: i attended catholic schools for eight years in a former life and wore an ugly plaid uniform pleated skirt daily. i have no idea why anyone would wear these things of their own free will, and i have no idea why they are considered sexy. they're heavy and ugly and stupid and are worn by nasty little girls who eat cafeteria lunches of applesauce and english muffin "pizzas." granted, i didn't go to school with anyone who looked remotely like liv tyler or alicia silverstone, so what do i know?) anyway, yeah, i bought a plaid skirt, and a couple t-shirts (one is very faded red, to the point of pinkness, and it says "for official use only," and the other is a blue shirt that says "mighty mouse" with a picture of a cute little mouse in the middle, not the real mighty mouse), and a belt. too many pairs of pants keep falling down when i try to do anything more strenuous than walk in them, and it's annoying.

carrying that many large pillows back on the bus was, needless to say, awkward, especially since we were on the bus for about an hour. we sat toward the front and took up three spaces (for two people) as people got on and got off through the international district, downtown, broadway, and finally the u-district. after we got the mass of pillows home, jenny took me to her favorite chinese restaurant on the ave, and she knows her chinese food. she spoke to the cashier in mandarin (later she told me the woman "must be new" because she wasn't as nice as the usual guys and she didn't know her at all), and when she brought us our bag of takeout, she spoke in cantonese. weird.

oh yeah, jenny made me try on the plaid skirt and the mighty mouse shirt and encouraged me to leave the house that way because i looked "adorable." mind you, the skirt does not cover all my legs, and i don't shave. so. while most people are not big enough assholes to comment or even really look, there *were* a few guys in a group of idiot adolescent males walking several paces behind us who deemed it appropriate to comment on my hairy legs and speculate about my sexual orientation. i was amused, but, of course, didn't respond, since they didn't directly address me. i don't think i would have said anything even if they did, because there is no reason to dignify that with an answer. i wish i weren't so self-conscious about showing the hairylegs, because it pisses me off that i am, and i honestly wouldn't mind wearing skirts like that more often. not to work/class, but they are fun sometimes. and oh, how they go with the boots. mm. i love my boots and i love them even more when i can wear something that looks cool with them.

it's raining here lately. it's definitely more pleasant than the sun. i told that to some people on the bus home yesterday, and they laughed and said i sure did live in the right place.

and yes, that is all i presently have to contribute to the world of online journaling.