10:07 on a saturday. i've arrived at work, turned on the b&w copier, printers, print station monitors, and fluorescent lights in the drop-in area. we're out of printer paper reserves behind the desk, and i don't know where they're stored. greg will know. he always checks everything when he comes in. makes me feel like i'm not doing my job, but whatever. my job is, basically, to sit here and be polite to people who ask questions. i can't know everything. besides, getting paper would take me away from the desk.
i have friends who threaten to come in and ask me completely ridiculous questions when it's this dull in here. especially about the macs. god forbid anyone asks something mac-specific; there is about one person who works here who can be of any real assistance, and that's the boss, and he's not here on weekends.
so i think i'll try to write some lyrics and contemplate music for awhile. no, really.
why am i trying to write lyrics?
umm, i dunno. we'll just see where it goes, k?
last night, chris and i went to the unleashed concert (student a capella group) to support christine and jen, who are in it. so is danger. they were very good. i was surprised at how much i enjoyed it. they did some weird things, like "uncle john's band," and some pretty normal things, like "the star-spangled banner," "the rose," and "the lion sleeps tonight," but they did them all very well. what really struck me, though, was how clearly they were all having a great time. that's really infectious.
so, um.
i might try to join. or check it out over the summer, if it's going on then. they don't do concerts, so it would be pretty low pressure. i'm not into performing in front of actual people, but singing is fun. christine thinks i am a soprano. eek.
i'd kind of like to be busy. i should get back into martial arts, too. or yoga or something. but i always say that, and when i try, i fuck it up somehow. i can say i coulda-woulda-shoulda stuck with karate all i want, but i didn't, and that's what counts. i think i'm more liable to stick with things if (1) i have friends there -- i didn't in karate because adam didn't join with me, argh -- or (2) i feel i have a personal, singular responsibility to show up and do a certain task -- like work and (i hope) the radio station. i mean, if the show's gonna go on without me, and i'm anxious about being part of it, why would i do it? if i have backup. without backup, i have only excuses, not attendance.
shit. i have "one fine day" stuck in my head. infectious, i tell you.
this is my last saturday at work. i'm taking off next week to be in california. i am so excited. that's gonna be a blast. :)
hmm, food. yesterday i had a bowl of cereal for breakfast and another for lunch. that's bad. fortunately, after class, i went to trader joe's (the bastion of all that is right and good--err, i typed that "food" at first, heh--in the world), and for dinner, chris and i went to the thai-ger room. mmmm. he hadn't been there before, and he got two things he'd never consumed before--pad thai and thai iced coffee. hell, i hadn't had thai iced coffee, and he let me have a sip. wow. so good. i love coffee. i rarely drink it, but i love it. i got something i'd never had before, curry fried rice. it was yummy. two stars was about the right spicy for it, too. some dishes i go for three; others are good at two. i have soooo much leftover. sounds like lunch, yum yum.
after the concert, several of us went to the mix. we were all pretty hyper and amused and acting like freaks, or maybe that was just me. i was hopping and bouncing a lot, which caused my magnetic sunglasses to leap from their cozy shirt pocket and onto the pavement on multiple occasions. fortunately, they appear to have survived without a scratch.
now i'm all sunblocked to sit inside until 2, after which i will go home, eat leftovers, crave coffee, maybe do something productive or help reid celebrate christopher's birthday by eating cake, and head up to the paradox around 6ish.
chris is moving back to the udist tomorrow. rock on, chris! i do not envy you the packing job you must have, but you will enjoy the show tonight.
oh, yes.
webley seedy release. i'm excited (again). i am wearing my nick cave and the bad seeds tshirt in anticipation. hey, i don't have any shirts depicting vegetables, so this is the closest i've got! also, it is a cool shirt. you cannot argue with white-on-black stating simply "nick cave and the bad seeds." ain't nothin' to fuck with. i have cash to purchase the new album and extra if there are other worthwhile goodies (like a tshirt. i would even buy a white tshirt, and i hate wearing white tshirts).
yes, so..i think that's all i've got for now. yay webley! yay california! yay no homework!