i've been doing a reasonable amount of experimental cooking this week, probably because i've been limited in the obvious-meals department due to bad shopping. this week, i think, i may do better, but this week has been all right. no foodgasms, but some things to reconsider and perhaps improve upon in the future.
first i made a stir-fry with those cute little yellow squashes, garlic, onion, bell pepper, and a little tomato. i seasoned it with soy sauce, pineapple juice, cinnamon, ginger, jalapeno sauce, and maybe thai basil? i don't remember too well. definitely cilantro, too. all that with some fake chicken strips and brown rice. it was on the spicy side (which i like), but didn't make for good leftovers. it was decidedly interesting, though.
last night i did something with red potatoes and cannellini beans. it had garlic, sherry, and dill as major flavor components, and i thought it quite resembled mashed potatoes in the end, but very tasty. i don't like mashed potatoes; they are too bland. these, however were tasty, though they could have taken a lot more creativity and still been nice. we also had roasted asparagus, which is also good with dill. dill is my new best friend.
tonight i tried further weirdness, with overall decent results. i bought an intriguing-sounding tortellini at trader joe's last weekend--gorgonzola and walnuts, mmm, my favorite on salad with a berry vinaigrette--so i tried to make a sauce that would complement it. i used frozen marionberries and the cheap cabernet i have for cooking. andi t turned out ok, but now christine is here and giddy because the boys she likes asked her out and that is so fucking cute!