i got a job!
*emily does the "i'm employed!" dance*
i'll be working at the health sciences library microlab. i don't know when i start, exactly, but i was offered the job and gleefully accepted. i'm just happy to be qualified and recognized for that and not having it be a big hassle at all. whee.
but today i tried to do more math homework, and then i realized: they assign a shit-ton of the stuff, when it's only worth 35 points out of 535 total points for the quarter. now, this does not mean i intend to skip the homework altogether, nosir. i intend to pass the class easily. i just need to not stress over doing every single fucking problem they assign, including every last excruciating detail of every part of each question when it is so repetitive and annoying. if i don't understand something, i will try harder to learn it, but if i get it and it takes me for-fucking-ever to crank through it, fuck it. that is of no value to me. this class is *review* for me. i don't *need* to pick through it with a fine-tooth comb. how relieving!
josie and i went up to the farmer's market this morning. i went to pay for my small bag of fresh basil (including a few purple sprigs, how pretty!) and purple bell pepper (i think our entire apartment is now obsessed with that color) and, reaching for what i thought was the $1 bill i had before visiting the atm, found it was actually $10. that made me happy. i bought too much pretty vegetable stuff, then i went to trader joe's again and bought too much yummy food stuff. well, i had to pitch in a bag of onions and a half gallon of 1% milk, but other than that, it was my yummy food. at least $5 of the bill was in balance or clif bars, though. they're my emergency candy, or for protein crashes. i haven't even had regular m&m's in so long. have i broken free of the vicious candy cycle?
the tj's candy aisle--or shelf of evil as i called it when my mom and i first saw it and drooled extensively--called to me softly today, but i resisted after a passing glance at the chocolate penises--err, raspberry sticks--and mint milk chocolate ufos. no, instead, i bought a bag of hazelnuts and a bag of raisins. YUM. really! i swear! and i don't drink soda anymore, either. uf. i try hard to eat more healthfully but i don't couple it with exercise, so i'll just age with my pounds of extra flesh. walking all over town just to buy food doesn't help me lose weight, it only succeeds in increasing my back problems. dude, i'm not even 20, and i'm already noticing signs of arthritis.
yeah. i'm totally obsessed with food. in a good way, i think. i get excited about the flavors and how to make it better for you in some vague way or more creative or storing it or buying it or saving money or whatever. if only i could get so worked up about sleep, maybe my body would appreciate it more and let me have more of it.
i hurt so bad today. i drink a lot of green tea and i hurt so bad. kk offered to drive up from olympia to give me a massage, but i said no. that's silly. he can give it to me when i see him next week instead. heh.
i listened to dj krush today, among other things. the last track of milight always gives me pause, just remembering a month ago, before the world "changed forever"...