what day is today? tuesday?
umm. so i've been busy. after work yesterday, i went to trader joe's and bought some groceries, then i hopped on the 44 westbound and got kevin to pick me up so i didn't have to walk the 12 or so blocks to his house. i brought my happy veggie patties for dinner, which we ate with hummus and pitas. mm. unfortunately, pan frying them set off the stupid smoke detector, although they made hardly any smoke at all. we did some random things around his house and ended up watching
a shot in the dark on his laptop, which was absurd and amusing. he has said he needs to make me watch his peter sellers movies. heheh.
my newswriting class was taking today off and i decided to play hooky from imdb, so i stayed at kevin's all day. i wanted to help him with whatever needed helping, although mostly i think i was just in the way. i walked to walgreen's and bought a couple items kevin needed and made lunch. yay. i just didn't really want to go home.
in the late afternoon, i said i should leave around 3:30 to catch a bus home so i could have coffee and vote before gilmore girls at the harem. kevin offered me a ride because he wanted to use the computer, and i accepted. i drank my coffee; he used the computer. then we went to hardwick's, which i'd never been to even though it's very near my house and full of all *kinds* of crazy cool shit, and the indoor sun shoppe, looking for plants to give kevin for his new place. he saw a couple possibilities, but didn't want to get anything until he's more unpacked.
so, after all this kevin-time, i went and had intense other-friends-time at the harem. well, first i voted. there wasn't anything truly exciting on this year's ballot for me, but i voted anyway. 'tis important in some sense. then i went to the harem. only jana was home, but she informed me that she, too, had played hooky from work today, and that llindsay and chris were coming tonight. yay! so we waited. eventually, people came bearing taco fixings. i hadn't seen lindsay in ages, and it was nice to see her. i am also glad we have gotten chris in the gilmore girls spirit, since it is sick and wrong that such a good show is on the freaking wb. tacos are good. food is good. reid joined us for food and contributed the steak jana so desperately desired but neither josie or i would oblige her. we had two episodes to watch, too, which is always hectic and grand. lindsay and i cringed and shrieked our way through the scenes from the baby shower in the new episode. so, so terrible.
i still need to watch
stop making sense. i think i will do that in the morning. i also need to eventually do laundry, heh. i am probably not going to be able to see kevin again until friday unless he wants to come out here for dinner or something. friday after work, he is all mine. three-day weekend! i should make some plans. we shall see what tomorrow's stranger suggests. maybe there will be a war protest! heh.
so tired. so early. i think that's all there is to report. now you all know the details of my life up to now. i know that's important to you so that when you actually converse with me and i try to regale you with some anecdote of my recent existence, you can be all, "dude, i read that in your blog!" and i'll be like, "yeah, hmm. so what's new," and we'll sit there all silent and shit until it's time to stuff face.
listening: sounds like bjork - enjoy coming from jenny's room.