when i get all steamed up, hear me shout:
'tip me over and pour me out!'
just jumping off the cliff like everyone else.
i'm on the brink of feeling like shit today. i'm ill, quite apparently, but my nose isn't stuffed up (i'm as surprised as you are; probably more, since few of you are well aware of my intimate bodily functions enough to know my history of nose problems) and my sore throat is fast disappearing. the symptoms seem to have manifested themselves as throat-clearing of phlegm that doesn't really want to escape or it would have already and general lightheadedness and feebleness. oh, and not enough fucking sleep, but i suppose that could easily be written off as a separate problem. it's so fashionable to be an insomniac these days.
woo, it's official: i'm coming down with something or other. i've felt like shit all day and been busy and productive to boot! AWESOME !!!
shitfuck, the weekend fast approaches, and there is much time and little to do. ...wait, hold on, reverse that.
lyrics to "force of habit" by 20 minute loop, for aja and sammy:
it's tuesday. that means i want to sleep, but can't.
this morning has been amazing... other than my zoology midterm, of course; test-taking is a less-than-stellar way to spend my monday morning. it was unseasonably sunny and beautiful, but now i see the clouds rolling in... time to put on real shoes, i suppose. i wore sandals to class and while doing laundry, but i suspect that, any minute now, the real season will please stand up.
to, uh, clarify that last post, i was referring to the song "you are my sunshine," not the bjork song from dancer in the dark. heh. i didn't even listen to bjork when we were together.
fuck. i am trying really hard not to whine about lacking a boy--and, no, this is entirely unrelated to a certain upcoming "holiday;" i am too busy that day to give a shit, anyway--especially since i could have one but for the lack of teleportation technology. dammit!
my roommates and i need to get to work on getting our "I (heart) The Harem" t-shirts printed before anna and josie run off to london and the harem is no more. they need to be cute shirts, but i don't know if we can get them printed in individual colors/styles/sizes depending on our needs--say we each buy the plain t-shirt we want the logo printed on, so anna could get a red baby tee if she wanted and i could get a blue ringer or something--or... i dunno. i've never had custom shirts printed. but we need to do it!
"Oh, Harold, do you sing and dance?"
i think my body is definitely getting used to this seven-hours-of-sleep-per-night deal. i wouldn't say it's sweet, but i does free up a little time, i guess.