the three extra-fine pilot v-ball pens that i purchased in green, black, and blue at the beginning of the quarter--not even a month ago now--are already starting to die. either i take a shit-ton of notes (well, i do) or those suckers just leak ink like crazy, because they've gone down to at least 2/3 the amount of ink they started with in the visible part of the body. they're smooth pens, though. much smoother than my usual papermate black ballpoints.
taking notes is going to kill my right hand. i swear, i need a way to level out the workload between hands. my right hand is responsible for writing, mousing, guitar-strumming, and, um... gratification. my left hand takes care of guitar fingering and the usual half of the workload shared between hands. right forearm is fucking buff. left... not so much! right wrist... hurts sometimes. left not so much! you see? trouble. imbalance. very bad things.
i wish i didn't always wake up by 7am. i usually can't get back to sleep. i wish life didn't start in the mornings every day of the week but sunday.
right now, though, i just want to go home and have lunch. 20 minutes to go...