hello. i am at work. i have approximately 0 things on my mind. i have things i should be doing, but the vast majority of them are not really things i can do at work. or they are reading, and, hah! reading. that's that thing that requires my long-lost attention span and eyes that aren't stunned by the frequency of fluorescent lighting. i guess i could be looking at the lecture slides from my stupid online course or deciding whether to do my esc110 project so it overlaps with the com418 project and writing my project plan for the latter class accordingly. that sounds just thrilling.
so. it's probably an hour later. i'm still at work, of course. had a long conversation with boss and coworker about geeks, or something. they said geek boys (card players and freaky gamers) have a stench, much like lower-echelon dogs or something, which stakes out their territory and lingers in the air. i have never noticed anything beyond the usual antisocial young male b.o., but they were both vehement that such an odor exists. it was an amusing conversation, but i can't remember anything enough to, say, quote it here for your reading pleasure.
also, irc is funny. i love irc!
here are some websites with mp3s i have recently enjoyed:
yes. music is neat.